Sad News - Alice Munro

This Monday May 13th we sadly lost Alice Munro. She was the best short story writer maybe ever, according to every obituary out this week. Short stories hold a special place in my heart as they seem to be the most interactive form of storytelling. So much has to be left to the reader that you are forced to participate as opposed to long form novels where you mostly experience the story.

When she won the Nobel in 2013, I was surprised to learn that a short story writer was honored, and so she was the first laureate I sought out right after they had won the prize. Her collection “Runaway” was surprising as I really had no idea what to expect. This isn’t a breakdown of the book, but I will say that the ease of writing and full characters blew me away.

She was a person with 1: keen insight into all the people around her, 2: she had the will to write and 3: the talent to create long lasting treasures. The talent set her apart without question, but her small-town settings make you pause. If there is one person in the world like Alice Munro and you take away the talent, how many people are you left with? Probably more than one. And if you take away the will to write, how many more are out there with her capability for insight? I would think quite a few, but you would never know who they are because they just keep it to themselves. So even in small towns there are people, maybe even more than one, able to see into your most sincere being. You never know who it could be. Be yourself, but please also be a good person, someone is watching.


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